CentOS Amazon AMI images

Here is the list of current/up2date AMI images IDs that we made public.

So far we build/update/maintain the following CentOS variants and architectures:

You can search for architecture or region through search bar.

Please note that you can also directly use then the “Deploy Link” function to deploy in specific region, one click away.

Version Region Architecture AMI ID Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-2 x86_64 ami-0127d4ce241322a8e Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-1 x86_64 ami-027a785419f41ea0f Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-1 x86_64 ami-08e31531a8310da78 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-2 x86_64 ami-0e27c3746a0d5ecbf Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 af-south-1 x86_64 ami-0b0c19981dc5e5f1c Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-east-1 x86_64 ami-0a8e37e83bdd06c65 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-south-1 x86_64 ami-0383b9760ad3de192 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-1 x86_64 ami-074800b0d58e64b24 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-2 x86_64 ami-025fab85b691896e8 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-1 x86_64 ami-05a6e3d785f747c7d Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-2 x86_64 ami-09825374904820651 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ca-central-1 x86_64 ami-03f6ca47d93885ab9 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-central-1 x86_64 ami-00cdc2b0769957e1c Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-1 x86_64 ami-08be94d0e177189de Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-2 x86_64 ami-056117c19265dad25 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-3 x86_64 ami-082f57b7c23b057df Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-south-1 x86_64 ami-0f5511636b455063e Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-north-1 x86_64 ami-0a942e3eea51f9810 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 me-south-1 x86_64 ami-070523667a38e853f Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 sa-east-1 x86_64 ami-0c70afd15bcb126a9 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-2 aarch64 ami-0b0cf9deb1a68ef9a Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-east-1 aarch64 ami-0c92309a18dff3e71 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-1 aarch64 ami-036c91414df449d42 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 us-west-2 aarch64 ami-0f9ba180e059bc96e Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 af-south-1 aarch64 ami-04748d46e14780419 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-east-1 aarch64 ami-0d85777a841abe701 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-south-1 aarch64 ami-07e7790851d99d237 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-1 aarch64 ami-0f0376116cdf819c5 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-northeast-2 aarch64 ami-0f9718470523d4a20 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-1 aarch64 ami-0fc337c1fbc3cffc1 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ap-southeast-2 aarch64 ami-0ff291a5ae659fad6 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 ca-central-1 aarch64 ami-0bf65db17c21be041 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-central-1 aarch64 ami-09c91a1cfc68651d0 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-1 aarch64 ami-0df5c3570ed971b4b Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-2 aarch64 ami-0ff67652a3f6bd230 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-west-3 aarch64 ami-0b56d351367b7596d Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-south-1 aarch64 ami-033981e5a971ccd26 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 eu-north-1 aarch64 ami-0e37553b151f27fcb Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 me-south-1 aarch64 ami-01fd9ceb5b46df356 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 9 sa-east-1 aarch64 ami-0c6d38df1b986f35d Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-east-2 x86_64 ami-05cefb3ebaddc75f6 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-east-1 x86_64 ami-0c07df890a618c98a Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-west-1 x86_64 ami-033e1fe6304139f4c Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-west-2 x86_64 ami-09195cb76ab892888 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 af-south-1 x86_64 ami-05603d0aec38099d3 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-east-1 x86_64 ami-03fa27f9c9dd340fc Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-south-1 x86_64 ami-04ebf66b7be0500f6 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-northeast-1 x86_64 ami-0117f2fc9c6939327 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-northeast-2 x86_64 ami-014911a31aba94953 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-southeast-1 x86_64 ami-07ab649c51b1c14e7 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-southeast-2 x86_64 ami-0cd15beeae86bd0b5 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ca-central-1 x86_64 ami-00723d0970fc53863 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-central-1 x86_64 ami-0b79da023fb461a12 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-west-1 x86_64 ami-0819edf1cd94e83e8 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-west-2 x86_64 ami-0495083a5dc6bc6a3 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-west-3 x86_64 ami-05a3b9ccef6b9a4f4 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-south-1 x86_64 ami-089ad68ee518459be Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-north-1 x86_64 ami-05eaebdafff627949 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 me-south-1 x86_64 ami-040740782158cb0e3 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 sa-east-1 x86_64 ami-0ec17e5479978d435 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-east-2 aarch64 ami-0efb26624e3465a3f Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-east-1 aarch64 ami-09243ba0df36156d9 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-west-1 aarch64 ami-05ddb2c6c5af83038 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 us-west-2 aarch64 ami-03c611a7139a5fb3d Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 af-south-1 aarch64 ami-0eed8584ea715b9ca Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-east-1 aarch64 ami-019ace0ca713bd120 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-south-1 aarch64 ami-0943603e22819c718 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-northeast-1 aarch64 ami-04faacd6a54412896 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-northeast-2 aarch64 ami-018912c905c087bbd Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-southeast-1 aarch64 ami-06dcc555ddfc2f735 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ap-southeast-2 aarch64 ami-0ae3420fe1e837f9c Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 ca-central-1 aarch64 ami-05343c8a47bdd7aac Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-central-1 aarch64 ami-0b227c6aa1ee894c7 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-west-1 aarch64 ami-0abb61cf5e7190a62 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-west-2 aarch64 ami-03ab419be154d7234 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-west-3 aarch64 ami-01fd5c10205501702 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-south-1 aarch64 ami-09ca6473e02894a46 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 eu-north-1 aarch64 ami-04a86dd9bcd579a84 Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 me-south-1 aarch64 ami-02d75b05b991c759c Deploy link
CentOS Stream 8 sa-east-1 aarch64 ami-051a6f18b3af1792d Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-east-2 x86_64 ami-033adaf0b583374d4 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-east-1 x86_64 ami-0aedf6b1cb669b4c7 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-west-1 x86_64 ami-0bcd12d19d926f8e9 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-west-2 x86_64 ami-04f798ca92cc13f74 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 af-south-1 x86_64 ami-0cf2f235226a4d1f2 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-east-1 x86_64 ami-039ac400e94785a1d Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-south-1 x86_64 ami-09f129ee53d3523c0 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-northeast-1 x86_64 ami-06e6d2122baa563c4 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-northeast-2 x86_64 ami-061f5322ab2662c82 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-southeast-1 x86_64 ami-03bfba2e75432064e Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-southeast-2 x86_64 ami-0264ead5294ad1773 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ca-central-1 x86_64 ami-01ebef6e00efb2c20 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-central-1 x86_64 ami-0afcbcee3dfbce929 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-west-1 x86_64 ami-00d464afa64e1fc69 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-west-2 x86_64 ami-0de2f45684e59282c Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-west-3 x86_64 ami-051806c39fa542e22 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-south-1 x86_64 ami-0a3a6d4d737db3bc1 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-north-1 x86_64 ami-0e5125a0f19c52a2b Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 me-south-1 x86_64 ami-09ce1cd69cab28540 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 sa-east-1 x86_64 ami-015f6bf0657816a2d Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-east-2 aarch64 ami-0fb25f99cfe1c665e Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-east-1 aarch64 ami-0144a5a84f5699847 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-west-1 aarch64 ami-0de261f921415431f Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 us-west-2 aarch64 ami-0fbf55055efe5787e Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 af-south-1 aarch64 ami-0e88079e08c51419c Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-east-1 aarch64 ami-04b61d6a053ad2539 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-south-1 aarch64 ami-0a69d3ff816398377 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-northeast-1 aarch64 ami-0052528bdd809d899 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-northeast-2 aarch64 ami-052d9a481ce0de50a Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-southeast-1 aarch64 ami-091062b883853b295 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ap-southeast-2 aarch64 ami-0cfdc63b39f103cab Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 ca-central-1 aarch64 ami-052a1a6ef4db58dd8 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-central-1 aarch64 ami-0162ae2b9d245b9a5 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-west-1 aarch64 ami-0c47424ef2c94b774 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-west-2 aarch64 ami-02868404201349f83 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-west-3 aarch64 ami-07dd7b23f721e7bbc Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-south-1 aarch64 ami-0c28ae8b6a03e9904 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 eu-north-1 aarch64 ami-00658799cfc32659e Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 me-south-1 aarch64 ami-02d946c5a59126c32 Deploy link
CentOS Linux 7 sa-east-1 aarch64 ami-05b835a95ace17eee Deploy link